Sunday, June 26, 2011

ICDL Mudules02 Questions Answer MS Office 2007

Q07.  What are Application (executable) files?
The files that contain programs are called Application (executable) files. If we double click on an executable file then it will run the program within it. Application files are different from data files. Application files run programs while data files show data within it supported by any program such as word processor or spreadsheet program.

Q08. Write the steps to make a file read-only.
The steps to make a file read-only are as follows-
1.       Right click on the file that we want to make read-only.
2.       Select Properties command from the popup menu which will display the Properties dialog box.
3.       In the Attributes section click on the Read-only check box.
4.       Click OK button. This will confirm the file as read-only.

Q09. Write the steps to copy and move any file using keyboard.

The steps to copy a file using keyboard are as follows-
1.       First select the file that is to be copied.
2.       Press Ctrl+C. This will copy the file on the Clipboard.
3.       Press Ctrl+V where we want to make a duplicate of the file. This will paste the item there from the Clipboard.
The steps to move a file using keyboard are as follows-
1.       First select the file that is to be moved.
2.       Press Ctrl+X. This will move the file on the Clipboard.
3.       Press Ctrl+V where we want to move the file. This will paste the item there from the Clipboard.

Q10. Write the steps to search a file by date.

The steps to search a file by date are as follows-
1.       Open the Search Window by clicking the Search command in Start menu.
2.       Click on Advanced Search button. Some advanced options will appear.
3.       Click on the down arrow to the right of the Date section and select Date Modified or Date Created.
4.       Choose an option from the drop down list after clicking the down arrow to the right of the Any section.
5.       Select a date a few months before today’s date from the next box.
6.       Type the file name in the Name section and click the Search button. This will provide us results of files that contain the search word as their file name.

Q11. What are the wildcards used for searching any file?

A wildcard is a symbol that takes the place of an unknown character or set of characters. Commonly used wild-cards are the Asterisk* ) and the Question Mark? ).
The Asterisk ( * )
The asterisk represents any number of unknown characters. We use it when searching for documents or files for which we have only partial names.
For example, if we enter cheese* as search term, the search might return these items: cheese, cheesecake, cheesedip.txt

The Question Mark ( ? )
The question mark represents only one unknown character. We use it when we have a list of files with very similar names, or when we are unsure of a few characters.
For example, if we enter take?.txt as search term, the search might return these files: take1.txt, taken.txt, take2.txt

Q12. What is file compression? How can you compress and decompress a file?

File compression
File compression is the way by which we make the size of files smaller. This is useful to save space on a disk or sending a file as an email attachment.
Compressing files

ICDL Mudules02 Questions Answer in Word 2007

Q01. Write the steps to install and uninstall a program.

Programs are normally supplied on CD or DVD. To install a program from these disks we should–
1.       Insert the disk into the CD/DVD drive which will start automatically and onscreen instructions of installation procedure will be displayed.
2.       Reading these instructions very carefully we should complete each stage of the process.
3.       After a successful completion of the procedure installation will be complete.
We have to use Control Panel to uninstall or remove a program
1.       Open the Control Panel from Start menu.
2.       Within the Control Panel window click the Uninstall a program command from the Programs section. A window containing a list of programs will appear.
3.       Click the program that is to be uninstalled and once selected click the Uninstall command displayed above the list.
4.       Some warning screens may appear. Carefully we have to proceed on to uninstall the program.

Q 02. How many ways you can create an image of the desktop? Write the steps for each process.

To create an image of the desktop we can follow two ways:
i.                     Keyboard Print Screen Facility
ii.                   Snipping Tool.
Keyboard Print Screen Facility
Pressing the Print Screen key on the keyboard takes a picture of the screen and copies it to a special area of memory called the Windows Clipboard. To create an image of the desktop-
1.                   Press the Print Screen key while we want to copy the desktop.
2.                   Open the Paint program from the Accessories sub-menu after clicking the StartAll Programs. button and the
3.                   Press Ctrl + V to get the image of desktop and save it.
Snipping Tool
This tool is new in Windows Vista by which we can copy a specific portion of the whole desktop, like a window or dialog box. Following steps should be applied for this tool-
1.       Open the Snipping Tool program from the Accessories submenu after clicking the StartAll Programs. button and the
2.       Click the drop-down arrow beside New tool in the Snipping Tool window. There are a variety of options to copy the desktop in various ways.
3.       Select one of the options from the drop-down menu and click on the desktop. It will capture the window.
4.       Now we can copy and save the image from here.

Q03. Write the steps to display cascade windows.

The steps to display cascade windows are as follows
1.       Open two or more windows.
2.       Right click on the task-bar.
3.       Select Cascade Windows option from the pop-up menu.

Q04. What are files? What are benefits of using folders?

When we work in any program then we need to save our tasks somewhere. While working it is created into RAM which is temporary. To make a permanent copy of it we make a file in the hard disk. That is a file is a document where we save our tasks. Files are of two types- program files and data files. Program files are used to run programs where data files can be changed and printed.
Benefits of using folders
Using folders we can keep all similar documents together. This makes our tasks easy to find out a certain file.

Q05. What do you understand by drive and drive letters?

Drives are those devices in which we store files. For example, hard disk, CD or DVD drive, Flash drive etc. Moreover, when the hard disk is partitioned into several portions then each of the portions is also called a drive.
Drive letters
The letters used to recognize the drives are known as drive letters. By convention the hard drive is called ‘Drive C’. If it has partition then the drives are named as Drive C, Drive D, Drive E and so on.

Q06. Write the benefit of using PDF files. How can we open PDF file?

Benefits of using PDF files
PDF stands for "Portable Document Format", which is a file format for representing documents which is independent of the application software, hardware and operating system used to create them, and also of the output devices on which they are going to be displayed or printed. Its benefits are as follows:
        I.            True Mobility and Portability
      II.            Fast and simple to create
    III.            PDF preserves all visual elements
    IV.            PDF supports interactive functions
      V.            PDF support high levels of data encryption and security
    VI.            PDF allows file compression

Opening a PDF file
PDF file can be viewed using PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

ICDL Mudules03 Questions Answer in Word 2007

Q16. What are the graphical objects you can add into word document?
Microsoft Word has a range of graphic formats that can be inserted into a document which are Pictures, Clip Art, Shapes, Smart Art and Charts.
Click on the Insert tab and then click on the Picture icon. This will display the Insert PictureSample Pictures is there. We can select a picture to insert it into the document from this folder or navigating any other place.
dialog box. A folder called

Click on the Insert tab and then click on the Clip Art icon. This will display the Clip Art pane down the right hand side of the screen. Within the Search for section type in a keyword for finding a clip art. Click on the OK button. The clip art images will be displayed. Insert as many clip art as we want.
Click on the Insert tab and then click on the Shapes icon. This will display a drop down list from which we have to select the shape that we want to insert into our document. Clicking on the icon from the drop down list we have to create the shape on the word document using the mouse.

option is available in Illustration group within the Insert tab. Clicking on the SmartArt icon will display the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box. There are a variety of amazing graphic shapes. We can choose any of the graphics and apply in our document.

icon is located in the Illustration group within the Insert tab. Using this option we can create a chart for our data table. Clicking on the Chart icon will display the Insert Chart dialog box. There are a lot of types of charts from which we can select the perfect one for our data.

Q17. What is mail merging?  Write the benefit of using mail merge.
Mail Merging
Mail merging feature is used to insert variable data into a fixed format by combining two files into one file. The two files- data file and document file need to be created before merge them. The variable information is stored in data file and the information which remains constant and the field names are in the main document file.

Benefits of using mail merge
There are some benefits of using mail merge-
1. We need not to type the names and addresses of the recipients separately when using mail merge.
2. This option reduces the typing of the document or return address again and again.
3. We can create documents for a large number of recipients within a short time.
4. Labels for thousands of recipients can be created with minimum labor using another file.
On the whole, using mail merge lessens huge time and labor.

Q18. Shortly write the steps of mail merge.
The steps of mail merge are as follows-
Step-1: Select document type
Within the Mailings tab, in the Start Mail Merge section click on the drop down list of Start Mail Merge option and select Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard command. The Mail Merge panel will be displayed to the right of the document. Click Next command at the bottom.
Step-2: Select Starting document
In this step we have to select the main document from the given three options. Click Next at the bottom.
Step-3: Select recipients
In this step we have to select the list of recipients for the process. After clicking an option from the given three options, we need to browse the file or type a new list. Then click next option at the bottom.
Step-4: Write your letter
In this step we need to complete the letter. In the main document we write the main body of the letter which remains constant and the variable part of recipients can be imported by clicking More items... option from the panel. Click Next.
Step-5: Preview your letter
This section will show me the preview of letters one by one. We can move from one recipient to another by clicking the double right/left arrow button in the panel.
Step-6: Complete the merge
This step lets us print or edit individual letters. We can choose a specific letter or all of the letters to print or edit.

Q19. Write steps to change the document orientation and paper size?
The steps to change the document orientation and paper size are as follows-
Document Orientation
1.       Click on the Page Layout tab when MS Word is open.
2.        Within the Page Setup section click on the Orientation button. A drop down list allows us to select either Portrait or Landscape orientation.
Paper Size
1.       Click on the Page Layout tab when MS Word is open.
2.       Within the Page Setup section click on the Size button. Now we can change the page size selecting an option from the drop down list.

Q20. Write the options of the page setup dialog box.
Page Setup dialog box can be launched by clicking the Page Setup dialog box launcher. This dialog box has three tabs- Margins, Paper and Layout.
Within this tab we can specify the page margins and orientation of the document. There is an option to choose these margins for a specific part or for the whole document.
This tab allows us to select the paper size and paper source. We can make a custom paper size here. We also have a link to Print options here.
Within this tab we have options to edit Header and Footer. There are also links to line numbers and borders here.

Q21. Write the steps to add header and footer.
The steps to add header and footer are as follows-
1.       Click on the Insert tab and from the Header and Footer section click on the Footer icon. A drop down list will be displayed.
2.       Choose a header design or click Edit Header to create it manually. A new tab named Design-header. with a variety of options will be displayed. Using these tools we can create the

ICDL Mudules03 Questions Answer in MS Word 2007

Q09. What are the options of changing text case?
MS Word provides facilities to change the case of texts. First select the portion of text whose case need to be changed. Click on the Change Case icon within the Font section of the Home tab. This will display a drop down menu containing the following options:
i.                     Sentence Case: Converts the first letter of the first word in each line in uppercase and the rest in lower case.
ii.                   Lower Case: Coverts all the letters in lower case.
iii.                  UPPERCASE: Converts all the letters in upper case.
iv.                 Capitalize Each Word: Converts all the first letters of each word in upper case.
v.                   tOGGLE cASE: Converts each word in the opposite case.

Q10. What are the tabs/tab stops used in word and used for what purpose?
The tabs/tab stops used in Word 2007 are as follows-
1.       Left Tab stop  : This sets the starting location of text which will display to the right as you type text into this tab stop location.
2.       Centre Tab stop  : This sets the position used for the middle of the text, which will centre on this tab stop as you type in text.
3.       Right Tab stop  : This sets the right end for your text and when you enter text at this tab stop it will move to the left.
4.       Decimal Tab stop  : This is used to align numbers around a decimal point.
5.       Bar Tab stop  : This displays a vertical bar at the tab stop location.
6.       Indent First Line  : Clicking this control and then on the horizontal line begins the first line of that paragraph there.
7.       Hanging Indent  : Click on this control and then click on the horizontal line where we want to indent all the lines after the first line of the paragraph.

Q11. Write the steps to add line spacing within a paragraph and paragraph spacing between paragraphs.
Line spacing within a paragraph:
1.       First click within a paragraph. On the Home tab, within the Paragraph section, click on the Line Spacing icon. This display a drop down list.
2.       From the drop down list we can select line spacing options.
Paragraph spacing between paragraphs:
1.       First select a paragraph. On the Home tab, within the Paragraph section, click the Paragraph Dialog Box launcher. The Paragraph dialog box will appear.
2.       Within the Spacing section of the dialog box, use the Before and After control to set the space that will be inserted before and after the paragraph.

Q12. Write the steps to add picture bullet into a word document.
The steps to add picture bullet into a word document are as follows-
1.       On the Home tab, within the Paragraph section, click on the down arrow next to Bullets icon.
2.       From the drop down menu, click on the Define New Bullet command. This will appear Define New Bullet dialog box.
3.       Click on the Picture option within Define New Bullet dialog Box. Another dialog box named Picture Bullet will appear.
4.       Select a picture and click OK. Again click OK in the Define New Bullet dialog box. The selected picture will be active as a bullet.

Q13. Write the steps to add border and shading into a word document.
Adding border
The steps to add border are as follows-
1.       Click on a line of the paragraph for which we want a border.
2.       On the Home tab, within the Paragraph section, click on the Down arrow to the right of the Border icon. This will display a drop down list.
3.       Select the type of border that we wish to apply. A border will be applied around this paragraph.
Adding shading
The steps to add shades are as follows-
1.       Click on a line of the paragraph for which we want a shade.
2.       On the Home tab, within the Paragraph section, click on the Down arrow to the right of the Shading icon. This will display a drop down list.
3.       Select a colour of shading that we wish to apply. A shade will be applied around this paragraph.
Q14. What is the function of format painter? How does it work?
The function of format painter is to pick up the formatting that has been applied to one portion of text and apply that formatting to another portion of text.
To work with format painter-
1.       Click on the paragraph whose format is to be picked up.
2.       Click on the Format Painter icon displayed on the Home tab within the Clipboard section. The shape of mouse pointer will be changed.
3.       Now select the portion of another paragraph where we want to copy the format with the changed shape of mouse. This will copy the format to that portion.

Q15. How can you change the default row height and column width of a table?
The steps to change the default row height and column width of a table are as follows-
1.       Select the row (or rows) that we wish to change the height of. Right click over the selected row(s) and from the popup menu displayed select the Table Properties command. This will display the Table Properties dialog box.
2.       Select the Row tab. Click on the Specify height check box. Using Up and Down control set the exact row height. In the Row height is section, select Exactly. Click OK.
3.       Similarly after selecting the columns whose width need to be changed, select the Column tab from the Table Properties dialog box.

4.       Set Specify width and Exactly option from Column width is section. Click OK.
We can use Previous Row/Next Row and Previous Column/Next Column to adjust each row height or column width within the table.