Thursday, May 26, 2011

IT Scholarship MCQ

                    IT Sample Question

1.    PDA stands for ………………………….
A.    Personal Digital Assistant
B.    Personal Divide Assistant
C.    Processor Drive Assistant
D.   Practical Drive Assistant
Ans: A
2. Microphones is ……device
A.    Input device
B.    Output device
C.    Input and Output device
D.   None of the above
Ans: A
3. Which device is both Input and Output device
A.    Speech Synthesizers
B.    Monitor
C.    Speaker
D.   Modem
Ans: D
4. Which Internet connection/link helps you in the remote connection?
A.    Wireless Hot Spots
B.    Mobile phone
C.    Satellite
D.   Phone line
5. Which technology helps you to talk to other people via Internet?
A.    VoIP(Voice over International Protocol)
B.    VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)
C.    TaIP(Talk Internet Protocol)
D.   ItIP  (Internet Talk International Protocol)
Ans: B
6. A firewall is a …………
A.    Software
B.    Hardware
C.    Software & Hardware
D.   Machine
Ans: C
7. RSI stands for………..
A.    Really Serious Injury
B.    Really Stress Infection
C.    Repeating Straight Injury
D.   Repetitive Strain Injury
Ans: D
8. PSTN stands for …………..
A.    People Service Technology News
B.    People Social Telephone Network
C.    Public Switched Telephone Network
D.   Public Service Telephone Network
Ans: C
   9. Which is the extension of text file?
(A).exe            (B).DLL                 (C).txt                   (D).PDF
 Ans: C
    10. F1 – F12 means keyboard function.
(A).True                   (B).False
11. Which key in the keyboard should you press to display the Start menu?
A.    Windows
C.    S
D.   A
Ans: A
12.  To delete files rather than sending them to the Recycle Bin we press
A.    Shift+Del
B.    Ctrl+Del
C.    Alt+Del
D.   Alt+F2
Ans: A
13.  What is folder?
A.    A folder is a container in a disk where files can be stored
B.    Folder consists of all data in a computer stored as files
C.    Folder and files mean the same thing
D.   None of the above
Ans: A
14. Pressing which of the following keys would place a picture of what is currently displayed on your monitor onto the clipboard?
A.    Ctrl+C
B.    F5
C.    Print Screen
D.   Ctrl+Insert
Ans: C
15. a gigabyte consists of approximately
A.    One thousand Bytes
B.    One thousand Bits
C.    One thousand Megabytes
D.   One thousand Kilobytes

Ans: C

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