Sunday, June 26, 2011

ICDL Mudules05 Questions Answer

Q01. What is Database? What is the benefit of using database?
Database is a collection of information concerning a certain topic or business application. Databases help us organize related information in a logical fashion for easy access and retrieval.
Benefits of using database are as follows-
Ø  We can store data in a defined structure
Ø  Data can be stored in a variety of forms, from simple lines of text (names and addresses) to complex data (pictures, sounds and video images)
Ø  Data can be turned into useful information
Ø  Database enables the user to add or extract data easily
Ø  Database helps presenting the data in useful ways.
Ø  From a relational database we get information from different tables simultaneously.
Ø  Using Access database we can make report, queries, forms etc.

Q02. Write the difference between data and information.
Data refers to discrete items. In contrast, information involves linking together two or more items of data to provide an item or knowledge of meaning.
-        Facts, statistics used for reference or analysis
-        Numbers, characters, symbols, images etc. which can be processed by a computer
-        Data must be interpreted by a human or machine to derive meaning
-        Information is interpreted data
-        Data that has been processed to produce meaning

Q03. Write the common uses of database.
Databases are used to group and format data and then extract information from the data. Examples of uses of databases include-
-        Airline booking system
-        Government records, e.g., tax details are kept on a government database
-        Bank account records
-        Hospital patient details. Patient records are kept on a database within the health system.
-        Phone directories
-        Criminal databases used by the police to keep track of known criminals

Q04. Describe the functions of different users of database.
Different groups of people design, maintain and use large scale databases-
v  Database Designers: These are highly skilled database professionals with an in-depth knowledge of exactly how the database works, including its overall function and details programming.
v  Database Administrators: This group administers the day to day operation of the database and make sure that the data is kept secure. These provide technical backup to users of the database.
v  Database Users: The users are responsible for routine, day to day data entry, data maintenance and information retrieval.

Q05. What is relational database?
Relational database
A relational database is able to store and manipulate data across multiple tables unlike a single table database. By utilizing multiple tables, a relational database reduces unnecessary duplication of data. For example, for a large database to store customer information, only the unique address needs to be recorded each time when we add a new customer.

Q06. Describe the use of different data types of access.
The use of different data types of access are as follows-
Data Type
Alphanumeric characters up to 255 characters in length. Can be used for text, or text and numbers that are not used in calculations
Alphanumeric characters (maximum of 65,535 characters) and can store text with rich text formatting (.rtf)
Numeric values including fractional or integers. Used for numbers likely to be used in calculations but not for Currency type data
Dates and times values.
Monetary values, (with or without a currency symbol)
A unique and sequential number inserted automatically each time a new record is added
Yes/No, True/False value (ticked is Yes, un-ticked equals No)
OLE Object
Used for storing OLE objects from other Microsoft Windows Applications
Used for storing hyperlinks to provide access to web pages or files using a single click
Pictures, Images, Binary files, Office files. Storage size limited to 700kb
Lookup Wizard…
Starts a Lookup Wizard to create a Combo box to look up values

Q07. Write the steps to create a table/Relationship/Query/Form/Report in Access 2007.

Q08. What are validation rule and validation text?
Validation Rule
Validation rule is an expression that limits the values that can be entered in the field. Data entered must match the given conditions to be accepted. 

Validation Text
Validation text is the error message that appears when we enter a value prohibited by the validation rule.

Q09. Explain the five logical operators of access.
The following table contains logical operators used to combine two values and return a true, false or null result-
Expr1 And Expr2
True when Expr1 and Expr2 are true.
Expr1 Or Expr2
True when either Expr1 or Expr2 is true.
Expr1 Eqv Expr2
True when both Expr1 and Expr2 are true or both Expr1 and Expr2 are false.
Not Expr
True when Expr is not true.
Expr1 Xor Expr2
True when either Expr1 is true, or Expr2 is true, but not both.

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