Monday, May 30, 2011

Computer Fundamental Quiz

Part 1
1.  GIF files are commonly found on the web.
      i) True                                   ii)False

2. Which is the extension of a file text file?
     i) .exe            ii) .DLL         iii).txt           iv) .PDF

3. Normally you use                           button of mouse.
    i) Right           ii) Left        iii) All of the above        iv) None of the above

4. To save a Word Pad file click on the save icon
     i) True           ii) False

5.  F1-F10 means keyboard function
      i) True           ii) False

6. In which page you are staying how can you know?
   i) From the status bar          i) From the tools bar          iii) From the vertical scroll bar   iv) From the menu bar     

7. Where can we get page setup?
     i)  From the window menu  ii) From the File menu iii) From the Edit menu  iv) From the Table menu 

8. From where we can change the Font   in WordPad?
     i) From the Format menu, ii)  From the Formatting Tool box,  iii) From the F Tool menu,  iv) By write click on the text

9. FTP means...
     i) Feature translate phase   ii) File transfer protocol      iii)Fanatic Traverse Time   

10. HTTPS hypertext transfer protocol
       i) True                                   ii) False

Part 2
1) A tracker ball is a alternative to the traditional…

             A. Printer                                  B. Mouse
            C. FDD                                      D. CD Rom

2)  An Intranet is a smaller, Closed version of the internet, Which can only be accessed by authorized members of an organization

A. True                                       B. False

3)  An Extra-net is an Internet which is particularly accessible to authorized outsiders
A. True                              B. False

4)   Common data transfer rate are …………………
A. bps                                               B. kbps
C. mbps                                            D. All of above

5)  Characteristics of a broadband Internet connection are..

A. Always on               B. Flat fee payment
C. High speed access D. Risk of intruder attack

6)       The advantages of e- commerce are …….
    A. service available all time                     
B. Detail product information
          C. Ability to compare price
          D. None of above

7)  The disadvantages of e-commerce are ………………..
              A.       possible credit card fraud
              B.      Is the web site genuine?
              C.      What about returning faulty good?
              D.      None of above
8)    Which can be included in E- government?
              A.       Vehicle registration
              B.       Revenue collection      
              C.       Electronic Voting
              D.       None of above
9)  Some of the advantages of Tele- working are…
           A. Zero com-minuting time
B. Greater ability to focus on one task
C. Reduced office desk space requirement
D. None of above

10 Some disadvantages of Tele-working are ……
         A. Lack of human contact
         B. Negative impact of teamwork
         C. Self discipline
         D. None of above

Saturday, May 28, 2011

IDB Online Quiz Exam 2011

Q. In order to add special characters to your document, which will you follow?

a.       Go to Home tab> Click change Style button> Choose the desired special character
b.      Go to insert tab> Click Smart Art button> choose the desired special character
c.       Go to Insert  tab>Click Symbol button> Choose the desired special character
d.      Go to References tab>Click Insert Caption button> Choose the desired special character
Correct Answer: C 

Q. Which of the following statements is true about zooming in MS Word 2007?
a)  Zooming in/ out causes the document’s page size to be large/smaller
b) Zooming in/ out causes the document’s font size to be large/smaller
c) There no a viewing option in MS Word.
d) Zooming is just a viewing option which magnifies the document for user’s viewing. It has no   
 effect on the actual size of document elements or property such as font, page size etc.

Correct Answer: D
Q. Which method will you use to switch between open documents in MS Word 2007?
a)  Using “Alt+Tab” key-combination in the keyboard
b) Using “Switch Windows “button under View tab
c) Using any of the above methods
d) Using any “Web Layout” button under View tab

Correct Answer: C
Q. In order to add special characters to your document, which will you follow?
a.       Go to Home tab> Click change Style button> Choose the desired special character
b.      Go to insert tab> Click Smart Art button> choose the desired special character
c.       Go to Insert  tab>Click Symbol button> Choose the desired special character
d.      Go to References tab>Click Insert Caption button> Choose the desired special character
 Correct Answer: C 

Q. which steps would you following to insert a row above the current row in an MS word table?
a)      Go to starting of the row> Press Enter Key
b)      Go to end of the row> Press Enter Key
c)       Go to the table Tools>Choose a double-line border style from Drew Borders options group
d)      Right click over current row> Insert>Insert Rows Above
Correct Answer: D

Q. Which of the following statements is true about “Undo” command in MS Word 2007?
a)      Undo command erases the most recent changes made to a document.
b)      Undo command deletes a document
c)       The shortcut key for the Undo command is Ctrl+Z
a)      Both A and B are correct
Correct Answer: D

Q. How will you make the first letters of all sentences capital at a time in MS Word?
a) Select the texts> go to Home tab>Click Change Case button  in the Font options group> Choose “Sentences Case
b)  Select the texts> go to Home tab>Click Change Case button in the Font options group>”UPPERCASE”
C) Select the texts> go to insert tab>Click Capitalize button
d) Delete the first letter of each sentence and re-type them after setting the Caps Lock on
Correct Answer: A

Q. You can use different page formatting within the same document by the differently formatted areas using-
a) Page Break
b) Column Break
c) Formatting Break
D) Section Break
Correct Answer: D

Q. Which method will you use to switch between open documents in MS Word 2007?
a)  Using “Alt+Tab” key-combination in the keyboard
b) Using “Switch Windows “button under View tab
c) Using any of the above methods
d) Using any “Web Layout” button under View tab
Correct Answer: C 

Q. Which of the following statements is NOT true about “Drawing” and using shapes  in MS Word 2007?
a) Holding down the shift Key while drawing an object creates perfect squares, circles and straight lines
b) The text in a box cannot be formatted
c) The Shapes button within the insert tab allows you to insert various shapes such as rectangle, circles, arrows, lines, flowchart symbols, cal louts etc.
d) You can change the size of a box shape by selecting it and dragging its sizing handles
Correct Answer: B

Q. How will you make the first letters of all sentences capital at a time in MS Word?

a) Select the texts> go to Home tab>Click Change Case button in the Font options group> Choose “Sentences Case
b) Select the texts> go to Home tab>Click Change Case button in the Font options group>”UPPERCASE”
C) Select the texts> go to insert tab>Click Capitalize button
d) Delete the first letter of each sentence and re-type them after setting the Caps Lock on
Correct Answer: A

Q. what type of page orientations does a document have when it is laid out so that it is wider than it is tall?
a) Landscape
b) Side
c) Horizontal
d) Portrait
Correct Answer: A

Thursday, May 26, 2011

IT Scholarship MCQ

                    IT Sample Question

1.    PDA stands for ………………………….
A.    Personal Digital Assistant
B.    Personal Divide Assistant
C.    Processor Drive Assistant
D.   Practical Drive Assistant
Ans: A
2. Microphones is ……device
A.    Input device
B.    Output device
C.    Input and Output device
D.   None of the above
Ans: A
3. Which device is both Input and Output device
A.    Speech Synthesizers
B.    Monitor
C.    Speaker
D.   Modem
Ans: D
4. Which Internet connection/link helps you in the remote connection?
A.    Wireless Hot Spots
B.    Mobile phone
C.    Satellite
D.   Phone line
5. Which technology helps you to talk to other people via Internet?
A.    VoIP(Voice over International Protocol)
B.    VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)
C.    TaIP(Talk Internet Protocol)
D.   ItIP  (Internet Talk International Protocol)
Ans: B
6. A firewall is a …………
A.    Software
B.    Hardware
C.    Software & Hardware
D.   Machine
Ans: C
7. RSI stands for………..
A.    Really Serious Injury
B.    Really Stress Infection
C.    Repeating Straight Injury
D.   Repetitive Strain Injury
Ans: D
8. PSTN stands for …………..
A.    People Service Technology News
B.    People Social Telephone Network
C.    Public Switched Telephone Network
D.   Public Service Telephone Network
Ans: C
   9. Which is the extension of text file?
(A).exe            (B).DLL                 (C).txt                   (D).PDF
 Ans: C
    10. F1 – F12 means keyboard function.
(A).True                   (B).False
11. Which key in the keyboard should you press to display the Start menu?
A.    Windows
C.    S
D.   A
Ans: A
12.  To delete files rather than sending them to the Recycle Bin we press
A.    Shift+Del
B.    Ctrl+Del
C.    Alt+Del
D.   Alt+F2
Ans: A
13.  What is folder?
A.    A folder is a container in a disk where files can be stored
B.    Folder consists of all data in a computer stored as files
C.    Folder and files mean the same thing
D.   None of the above
Ans: A
14. Pressing which of the following keys would place a picture of what is currently displayed on your monitor onto the clipboard?
A.    Ctrl+C
B.    F5
C.    Print Screen
D.   Ctrl+Insert
Ans: C
15. a gigabyte consists of approximately
A.    One thousand Bytes
B.    One thousand Bits
C.    One thousand Megabytes
D.   One thousand Kilobytes

Ans: C