Monday, August 22, 2011

Web Publishing And Imlementation of PPT Questions

Programming Practices & Techniques: Chapter 5

Q1. What is control break?
Q2. What is operation should be done When a control break arise?
Q3. What problems can occur when using control break?

Programming Practices & Techniques: Chapter 6

Q1. What is multilevel control break?
Q2. What is HIPO chart?
Q3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of HIPO chart?

Q4. Create a HIPO chart…………………….?

Programming Practices & Techniques: Chapter 7

Q1. What do you understand by single and paired tables?
Q2. What are arguments and function tables?
Q3. Describe discrete and segmented tables?
Q4. What are the benefits of searching when tables are sorted?
Q5. Explain the problem of searching in unsorted segmented table.
Q6. How many ways you can define table data?
Q7. Write the similarities and dissimilarities between sequential search and binary search.
Q8. Explain how binary search works.
Q9. Draw the binary search flowchart.
Q10. Draw the flowchart of search a discrete table.
Q11. Draw the flowchart of searching a segmented table.
Q12. What do you understand by direct table addressing?
Q13. What is variable size table?
Q14. How can you determine the index of a function table when index of argument table is not start with one. Explain with example.
Q15. What is multidimensional table?
Q16. Draw the flowchart of loading one dimensional table.
Q17. Draw the flowchart of loading two dimensional table.
Q18.  Draw the flowchart of searching one dimensional table.
Q19. Draw the flowchart of searching two dimensional tables.
Q20. If you convert a two dimensional table of 5 rows and 3 columns into one dimensional then how can you define the index?

Practice makes a man perfect

Web Publishing And Imlementation of PPT

Programming Practices & Techniques: Chapter-3

Q1. What is Boolean Algebra?
Q2. What approaches are followed to develop a truth table?
Q3. Truth table is used for what purpose?
Q4. Explain the more widely used techniques in input editing.
Q5. How an error message can be displayed when a sequence error or invalid data is fund?
Q6. What techniques are used to detect end of data?
Q7. Develop the truth table for the following expressions:

Q8.  Suppose a list of student records (roll, name, GPA, passing year) is given in a file. Find those students whose GPA is 5.0 and passing year is 2010. Define the structure chart and pseudo code.
Q9. Assume that the file being processed contains records of 500 students with the following Characteristics:

Characteristics:                                         Number
CGP<5                                                         350
Passing year=2010                                  250

Which comparison you will do first according to question no 8 & why?

Programming Practices & Techniques: Chapter 4

Q1. What is decision table?
Q2. What are the two problems in decision table?
Q3. Explain redundancy problems of decision table with example.
Q4. Explain contradiction problem of decision table with example.
Q5. Describe extended entry decision table with example.
Q6. A shoe company wants a list of Shoe number in descending order for females of size 6 and color black. You have to prepare the following:
a) Truth table b) Structure Chart c) Pseudo code d) Flowchart e) Decision table

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Web Publishing And Imlementation

Question- Chapter 2

     1. What do you understand by structured programming?
     2. How does modular programming works?
     3. What is subroutine? What are internal subroutine and        
            external subroutine?
    4. What are the problems with modular approach?
     5. What is structure charts?
     6.   Write the difference between structure chart and 
     7. What do you understand by GOTO less programming? 
            Why is it better?
     8. Explain the three logic patterns or structure with an 
9.  What is pseudo code? When is it used?
10. Describe three types of loop instruction with example.
11. What instruction can be used as an alternative of  
           selection    structure? Explain with example.
12.   Write structure chart, structure program flowchart and  pseudo code based on defined problem.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Programming Practices and Techniques

Web Publishing and Implemetation  
PPT: Chapter-1

   1. What is computer program?
  2. What are the five activities of Programming  
          process/problem solving process? Show diagram
  3. What is algorithm? Explain with an example
  4.     What is flow chart? Explain
  5.  Write any five flow charting guidelines
  6.  Write any five names and purposes of programming      
7.  What are compiler, interpreter and assembler?
 8. Write the difference between compiler and interpreter
 9.  Write algorithm and flowchart of the following problem
a)  Find the largest and smallest number from the list of 
b)  Count the total even numbers and odd numbers from   
          the list of numbers
c)   A file containing the records of product ID and product    price is given. Calculate the MRP values of the product after adding 1.5% VAT with the product price.
  d)  Find the largest number of A,B, and C.
  e) Calculate the Summation from 1 to 100,
 f) Find those numbers from 50 to 100 which are divisible by

Computer programming

What is Programming?
A computer program consists of a group of instructions for a computer  that cause it to perform a desired task. 
The computer program is a means to an end. The end will normally be defined as information that is a needed to solve a problem. The programming process is therefore, a problem-solving process, 

and it consists of the following activities:
      Defining the problem
      Preparing an algorithm
      Preparing a program flowchart
      Coding the program
      Debugging and Testing
Defining the Problem:
The definition of the problem begins with a statement of the desired output. Unless this statement is correct and clear, all succeeding activities will be of doubtful value. The statement should be in writing so that misunderstandings can be minimized.
Preparing an Algorithm:
Once the problem has been defined, we can prepare an algorithm (a description of the sequence of steps required to solve a problem). In defining an algorithm that will work on a computer, we must consider the computer’s limited capabilities:
# A computer can perform arithmetic operations (usually limited to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
# It can compare two things and on the basis of the result of the comparison, choose among alternative courses of action.
# It can move data about in its memory
# The computer can also input data and output result.