Monday, August 22, 2011

Web Publishing And Imlementation of PPT

Programming Practices & Techniques: Chapter-3

Q1. What is Boolean Algebra?
Q2. What approaches are followed to develop a truth table?
Q3. Truth table is used for what purpose?
Q4. Explain the more widely used techniques in input editing.
Q5. How an error message can be displayed when a sequence error or invalid data is fund?
Q6. What techniques are used to detect end of data?
Q7. Develop the truth table for the following expressions:

Q8.  Suppose a list of student records (roll, name, GPA, passing year) is given in a file. Find those students whose GPA is 5.0 and passing year is 2010. Define the structure chart and pseudo code.
Q9. Assume that the file being processed contains records of 500 students with the following Characteristics:

Characteristics:                                         Number
CGP<5                                                         350
Passing year=2010                                  250

Which comparison you will do first according to question no 8 & why?

Programming Practices & Techniques: Chapter 4

Q1. What is decision table?
Q2. What are the two problems in decision table?
Q3. Explain redundancy problems of decision table with example.
Q4. Explain contradiction problem of decision table with example.
Q5. Describe extended entry decision table with example.
Q6. A shoe company wants a list of Shoe number in descending order for females of size 6 and color black. You have to prepare the following:
a) Truth table b) Structure Chart c) Pseudo code d) Flowchart e) Decision table

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