Sunday, February 12, 2012


Chapter- 15

1.    Which of the following function provides a convenient means for moving an uploaded file from file’the temporary directory to a final location?
A.    Move_uploaded_files()
B.    Move_files();
C.    Move_file_Uploaded();
Ans: A

2.    How to get the file size, in bytes of the file uploaded from the client Machine?
A.    $_Files[‘userfile’]_size Variable
B.    $_Files[‘userfile’][‘size’] variable
C.    $_Files[‘size’][‘tempname’]
D.    All of them
Ans: B
3.    _________________ supperglobal stores a variety of information pertinent to file uploaded to the server via a PHP Script.
A.    $_File_uploaded
B.    B. $_Files
C.    $_Files_Array()
Ans: B
4.    Which of the following function determine whether a file specified by the input parameters filename is uploaded using the post method?
A.    Uploaded_file()
B.    File_uploaded()
C.    Is_uploaded_file()
D.    None of them
Ans: C
5.    Which of the following directive determines the maximum size in megabytes of an uploaded file?
A.    Uploaded_file()
B.    File_uploaded()
C.    Max_Size()
D.    Upload_max_size()
Ans: D


1.    ____________________ allows to use domain names in place of the corresponding IP Address?
A.    FTP
B.    DNA
C.    DNS
D.    DNN
Ans: C
2.    How to check the domain name exists or not?
A.    Use checkDomain()
B.    Use chechkdnsrr()
C.    Use DNS_Checking()
Ans: B

3.    Which of the following function returns an array consisting of various DNS resource records pertinent to a specific domain?
A.    Dns_record()
B.    Dns_get_record();
C.    Domain_get_record()
ANs: B
4.    Which of the following function returns the port number of a  specific service?
A.    Dns_record()
B.    Get_port_number();
C.    Getserverbyname()
Ans:  C
5.    Which of the following are not a mail function in PHP?
A.    Mail_send_to
B.    Mail()
C.    Send()
D.    Sendmail()
Ans: A,C,D
6.    To send a mail, Which of the following statement should be used?
A.    Send_mail("", "This is a subject", "This is the mail body")
B.    mail("", "This is a subject", "This is the mail body")
C.    mailto:("", "This is a subject", "This is the mail body")
ans: B

Chapter- 18
1.    A session is started simply by calling session_start() like this: session_start();
A.    True  B. False
Ans: A

2.    Erase the session variables from memory, and even completely wipe the session from storage done through the
A.    session_unset() 
B.     session_destroy()
C.     Session_none()
D.    Session_fresh
Ans: A, B
3.    Which function completely removing the session from the storage mechanism?
A.    session_unset() 
B.     session_destroy()
C.     Session_none()
D.    Session_fresh
Ans: B
4.    Which function completely removing the session from the memory?
A.    session_unset() 
B.     session_destroy()
C.     Session_none()
D.    Session_fresh
Ans: A
5.    Which function offers a particularly convenient method for manually encoding
all session variables into a single string?
A.    session_unset() 
B.     session_destroy()
C.     session_encoding()
D.    session_encode
Ans: D

6.    Encoded session data can be decoded. Which function offers a particularly convenient method for manually decode all session variables?
A.    session_unset() 
B.    session_destroy()
C.     session_decoding()
D.    session_decode()
Ans: D
1.    The _____________plays an enormously important role in the implementation of Web Services?
A.    SOAP protocol
B.    FTP Protocol
C.    HTTP Protocol
D.    XML Protocol
Ans: A

2.    Which of the following statement is true about Web Services?
A.    Web Service is a network service to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network
B.    Web Service is a mailing systems to send a mail  over a network
C.    Web Service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network
Ans: C

3.    RSS offers a formalized means for encapsulating a Web site’s content within an XML-based structure, known as a feed
A.    True  B. False
Ans: A

4.    XML document is stored in a variable, which function  use to read it into the object?
A.    simplexml_load_string()
B.    simplexml_load()
C.    xml_load_string()
D.    load_string()
Ans: A

5.    How to retrieve the XML Attributes?
A.    Use attributes() method
B.    Use element() Method
C.    Use root() Method
Ans: A

6.    FTP  is a lightweight protocol intended for exchanging structured information in  decentralized, distributed environment
A.    True B. False     Ans: B

Chapter – 21
1.    Which function offers a great tool for viewing a summary of PHP’s configuration on a given server?
A.    The phpinfo()
B.    The info()
C.    The ApachiInfo()
Ans: A
2.    __________can be defined as the translation of data into a format that is intended to be unread able by anyone except the intended party.
A.    Encryption
B.    Decryption
Ans: A

3.    Which algorithm can also be used as a password verification system?
A.    Encryption
B.    MD5
C.    MHash
Ans: B
4.    Which data encryption package providing support for two-way encryption?
A.    MD5
B.    MHash
C.    Mcrypt
D.    Dcript
Ans: C

5.    The ______________function encrypts data, returning the encrypted result?
A.    mcrypt_encrypt()
B.    encrypt()
C.    mcrypt()
Ans: A


1.    Mysql is a Relational Database
A.    True  B. False                   Ans: A
2.    Which of the following are MySql Features?
A.    Replication
B.    Query Caching
C.    Storage
D.    Security
Ans: A,B,D
3.    What are the MySql License Options?
A.    MySql Open Source License
B.    MySql Personal Edition License
C.    Commercial License
D.    Enterprise Edition License
Ans: A,C
4.    Which of the following are MySql 5.0 Features?
A.    Complete Foreign key Support
B.    Stored Procedure Support
C.    Integrated Report support
D.    Batch Query Support
Ans: A, B
5.    What are the storage engine of MySql?
A.    HDD
B.    InnoDB
C.    MyISM
D.    Backup
Ans: B,C
Chapter 25 & 26
1.    How to set the administrator password?
A.    SET ADMINISTRATOR FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('secret');
B.    SET ROOT PASSWORD  FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('secret');
C.    SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('secret');
D.    SET PASSWORD FOR Admininstrator@localhost=PASSWORD('secret');
Ans: C
2.    Which of the following are true about MySqL Client?
A.    capable of managing almost every conceivable aspect of a MySQL server, including creating, modifying, and deleting tables and databases
B.    Capable of Database backup, Restore etc.
C.    Viewing Configuration Variables and System Status
Ans: A
3.    Which command use to view all the tables?
A.    View Tables
B.    Show Tables
C.    Display Tables
Ans: B
4.    To view a list of all existing databases
A.    View Databases
B.    Show Databases
C.    Display Databases
Ans: B
5.    How to view the structure of one of those tables?
A.    Structure Student
B.    Display student
C.    Describe student
D.    View Student
Ans: C

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