Monday, February 6, 2012

MYSQL Evidence Questions

## Create a database named Company and do the following task:

Q1.  Create a table named user: username(varchar(20)), password (varchar(30)). 
•    Add two or more data into the table.          
•    Create a login form to take username and password and write php script to check the valid user.

Q2.  Create two tables:
        Manufacturer (id (auto increment), name (varchar(50)), address (varchar(100)), contact_no (varchar(50)).
Product (id (auto increment), name (varchar(50)), price (INT(5)), manufacturer_id (INT(10)).

        Add two or more data into the tables.
        Create an after delete trigger which will delete record(s) from the product table when any corresponding manufacturer_id are deleted from the manufacturer table. 

        Create a form to select manufacturer id and write php script to delete the record from Manufacturer table of selected manufacturer.

Q3. Create a stored procedure to insert data into Manufacturer table. Create a form and write php script to insert data 
into Manufacturer table using stored procedure.

Q4. Create a view to display all records from the product table where price is greater than 5000. Write php script to display the data from the view.

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