Sunday, June 26, 2011

ICDL Mudules05 Questions Answer 2011

Q10. What are primary keys and foreign keys?
Primary Key
Primary key is the unique identifier for each record in a database table and is essential when working with relational tables. A primary key cannot have duplicate entries and must be set on a field generating a unique identifier. For example, ID, passport, social security and driving license number, tax or personal identification numbers etc. A primary field can never be left empty.
Foreign Key
When a primary key field in one table is not mentioned as a primary key in another table, then this field is called a foreign key in the second table.

Q11. What are the benefits of indexing?
Benefits of indexing are as follows-
-        Indexing speed up queries
-        Indexing helps to locate and sort information quickly

Q12. Write the steps of creating single-field and multiple-field indexing.
The steps to create single-field indexing-
1.       Open the table in Design View that contains the field which needs to be indexed.
2.       Click on that field in field column. Move down to the General tab within the Field Properties section.
3.       In the Indexed property, click on the right arrow at the right of the line and select Yes (Duplicates OK) if the field contains duplicate data or select Yes (No Duplicate) if the field contains unique data.
4.       Now save the table. The field is now is indexed.
The steps to create multiple-field indexing-
1.       Open the table in Design View. On the Design tab, within the Show/Hide group, click on the Indexes button. The Indexes window will be displayed.
2.       Give a name for the index in the Index Name column.
3.       Click on the drop arrow and select a field and press the Enter key.
4.       Click on the drop arrow and select Ascending or Descending and pres the Enter key.
5.       Following the similar way we can add up to 32 fields for indexing in MS Access 2007.

Q13. What is filtering?
Filtering provides a way to find one or more specific records in table or form or print specific records in a report, table or query. By using criteria in a filter we effectively display only those records matching the criteria. Records not matching the criteria disappear from view. Thus the technique is known as filtering.

Q14. Write the steps to add/delete filter and sort into a table?
v  Filter
Ø  Adding a Filter-
1.       Open the table. Click on a field name.
2.       Within the Home tab, within the Sort & Filter group click on the Filter button. A Filter dialog box is displayed containing all the available records for that field with a tick box beside each of them.
3.       Check the tick boxes for which we want the data and uncheck the others.
4.       Click on the OK button. This will display only those records which are checked in the filter option.
Ø  Deleting a Filter-
1.       Once a single filter is added in a table, the Toggle Filter within the Sort & FilterHome tab will be active. group in
2.       Toggle Filter remembers the last filtering and turns the filter on and off. If the filter is added then click the Toggle Filter button. The filter will be deleted.
v  Sort
Ø  Insert sorting
1.        Open the table and select the field that we want to sort.
2.       Within the Home tab, in the Sort & Filter group click on the A-Z or Z-A button. The table will be sorted in alphabetical order of that field.
Ø  Remove sorting
1.       To remove a sort, click on the Clear All Sorts button in the Sort & Filter group. The table returns to the default sort order.

Q15. What is relationship? Describe the different types of relationship.
Relationships are used to create a link between two or more tables within a database. When a link is established data can be entered into or viewed from one or more tables at the same time with the use of other objects within the database, without the need to close one table and open another.
There are three types of relationship-
i.        One-to-many
In a one-to-many relationship, each record in the first table can have more than one matching record in the second table.
ii.      Many-to-many
In a Many-to-many relationship, each record in the first table can have more than one matching record in the second table and similarly each record in the second table can have more than one matching record in the first table.
iii.    One-to-one
In one-to-many relationship, each record in the first table can have only one matching record in the second table, and each record in the second table can have only one matching record in the first table.
Q16. Write the steps to create relationship between tables.
To create a relationship between tables, the tables must be closed. To create a relationship-
1.       Click on the Database Tools tab and from within the Show/Hide group, click on the relationships button. This opens the Show Tables dialog box.
2.       Select and click Add for those tables shown in the list between whom we want to make relationship. Click on the Close button of the dialog box.
3.       Click on a field name from a table and drag across to the corresponding field of the other table. The Edit Relationships dialog box will appear. Check the tick boxes and click on the Create button. The relationship will be established.
4.       Click on the Close button to close the Relationship Tools options.

Q17. What are queries?
Queries are used to extract and analyze data within one or more tables. They are similar to filtering and sorting tables but much more powerful. Unlike filters, multiple criteria can be used in one or more fields to be highly specific about the information we wish to extract from a table. Queries can be saved, edited and reused. They provide outputs for use by other database objects such as forms and reports.

Q18. Describe different types of query.
Q19. Write the steps to create a design time query
Q20. Explain the different types of wildcard with example.
Q21. Write the steps to create a form.
Q22. What are forms and report?
Q23. Write the steps to create a report.
Q24. What is data exporting? How many ways access can export data?
Q25. Write the steps to print a full/portion of a table.

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