Sunday, August 21, 2011

Web Publishing And Imlementation

Question- Chapter 2

     1. What do you understand by structured programming?
     2. How does modular programming works?
     3. What is subroutine? What are internal subroutine and        
            external subroutine?
    4. What are the problems with modular approach?
     5. What is structure charts?
     6.   Write the difference between structure chart and 
     7. What do you understand by GOTO less programming? 
            Why is it better?
     8. Explain the three logic patterns or structure with an 
9.  What is pseudo code? When is it used?
10. Describe three types of loop instruction with example.
11. What instruction can be used as an alternative of  
           selection    structure? Explain with example.
12.   Write structure chart, structure program flowchart and  pseudo code based on defined problem.

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