Tuesday, August 7, 2012

BCC Internship on IT

BCC is a statutory body under the Ministry of Information & Communication Technology
Advertisement: National ICT Internship Batch-12. Apply now.


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Mysql and PHP Interview Questions

Top ten Interview Question

1.       What is the difference between sql and mysql?

2.       What is the difference between print and echo in PHP?

3.       What is the difference between superkey candidate  and primary keys?

4.       How to send mail using MSSQL  Express edition?

5.       What is meant by Exception Handling ?

6.       What is difference between mysql_fetch_object and mysql_fetch_array?

7.       How can we submit a form without a submit button?

8.       What is the difference between GET and POST method?

9.       What is the difference between strstr() and stristr()?

10.   What is the maximum length for database, table & column name?

PHP Interview for Fresher Job

PHP Interview Question

1.       What is difference between include and require?

2.       What is difference between session and cookies?

3.       How do you create a cookie , add data to it and remove data from a cookie?

4.       How do you create a session, add data to a session and remove data from a   session?

5.       If cookies are displayed will the sessions work? Why?

6.       What is the difference between a framework, IDE, CMS, blog?

7.       What is the difference between $var and $$var?

8.       If a form does not have submit button, how do you submit a form?

9.       Write a function to calculate x to the power y without using the pow function of PHP?

10.   What is the difference between client side validation and serve side validation and what is more secure and why?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Tutorial of Session

Session Class

The session class allows you to maintain a user's state as they browse your website. The session Class stores data inside a cookie, which can optionally be encrypted. You are able to store data inside a database for added security, as this means that the user's cookie must match the database record.

What is stored in a session?

-> the user's unique Session ID
-> The user's IP address
-> The user's User Agent string
-> The "last activity timestamp"

CodeIgniter library

A CodeIgniter library is simply a class file that abstracts functionality into easy to use functions that take much of the strain off the developers. Take the Database Library as an example. It contains many functions that make the creation of complex SQL queries very easy; it also makes queries much more readable.

CodeIgniter comes with many core libraries that provide ways to code your applications much faster than without libraries, removing much of the unnecessary code from your applications, and taking the strain off the developer.

CodeIgniter of MVC

What is (MVC) Model View Controller?

MVC is software development design pattern and MVC is an approach to separating your applications into three segments: Model, View, and Controllers. MVC structures your application in this way in order to promote the reuse of program code.

The model represents any type of data that you application may use. Some example of data that your application might use would be: a database, RSS Feeds, API calls and any other action that involves retrieving, returning, updating and removing data.

Views are the information that is being presented on the screen to users through their web browsers. These are usually HTML files, sometimes containing PHP code that builds the template for the website.

Finally Controllers are the business logic of your application. They serve as an intermediary between Models and views. The Controller will respond to HTTP requests and generate web pages.